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I luv Jesse soooooooooooooooooo much!! Hes my favorite! He just soo HOT!!!
I would ALMOST do anything to meet him!! If u meet him u r soooo lucky! so if u did meet him email me, if u want ill put it on my site under encounters wit dream street! if u want to tell me but dont want me to tell put on it private (but i dont kno y u would wanna do that)! kk! If Jesse is ur favorite to and u wanna talk bout him IM Me SugaRush1609!!!






















Jesse Adam McCartney
Place of Birth: New York
Age: 14
Date of Birth: April 9, 1987
Current Residence: Westchester, NY
Nicknames: Jester
Height: 5'3
Hair Color: Blonde ( me2)
Eye Color: Green
Hobbies: Baseball, four wheeling (me 2)
Favorite Musical Group: Aerosmith, Sting, James Taylor
Favorite Type of Music: Pop, Rock (me 2)
Favorite Food: Fried Dumplings, Beef Jerky and candy
Favorite Cereal: Raisn Bran Crunch
Favorite Candy: Hershey Kisses
Favorite Ice Cream: Chocolate
Favorite Drink: Snapple Rain
Favorite TV Show: Friends (me2)
Favorite Movie: Sixth Sense
Favorite Actor: Robin Williams
Favorite Actress: Joan Cusack
Favorite Color: Orange (me2)
Favorite Car: Ferrari
Favorite Sport: Baseball
Favorite Animal: Jaguar
Favorite Subject: Math
Favorite Song: Lucky
Favorite Word or Phrase: Zip it
Favorite Clothing: Structure
Favorite Stores: Tommy Hilfiger, Structure, Abercromboie
Favorite Dream Street Song: It happens every time
Prized Possession: my four wheeler (mine2)
Best Feature: my smile
Any Brothers or Sisters: 1 younger brother and 1 younger sister
What gets on your nerves: The sound of filing nails
What do you collect: motor vehicle magazines
Describe yourself: Funny, outgoing, charming
Hates: The sound of shoes squeaking on the floor
Loves: Water Skiing, Snow skiing, & Nature
If not an entertainer what would you like to be when you grow up: Director
Motto you live by: Don't Worry be Happy
Whats the best thing about being in a group: being with friends
What type of girls do you like: Girls who wear Abercrombie & Fitch
What age did you start acting/singing: 7 years old
What are your accomplishments in show business:Broadway, Broadway National Tour, Feature Film, Independent Film, National Commercials, Jingles, TV, Radio, Soap Opera.
What is the favorite thing you have done in show business: A Christmas Carol
Whats is the worst thig that ever happpened to you in show business: being late on set
What do you think about the other members of dream street: Great People and Fun to work with.
Do you have a girlfriend: NO
Can you tell me on thing about any other Dream Street Member:Chris is nice to talk to. Good Sense of Style.
A personal message to send all your fans:Dont ever give up. We love you guys!

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